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Πλαστικές ρυθμιζόμενες σφραγίδες ασφαλείας ADJUST SEAL 3.3×425 mm

Adjustseal plastic adjustable safety seals. Stamp dimensions: 3.3x425mm. Label dimensions: 22 x 50 mm.



ADJUST SEAL plastic adjustable security seals 3.3×425mm. Easy and safe application.
With or without the Tear-off system.

technical plan
plastic adjustable security seals adjustseal 3.3×425mm description 1

Diameter: 3.3 mm
Length: 425 mm
Label dimensions: 22 x 50 mm
Also available with diameter: 3.3 x 315 mm




– Ink transfer printing
– Laser printing
– Serial numbering up to 15 digits
– Barcode printing possible
– Personalization by printing up to 20 characters in one row
– If requested, customer logo can be printed
– On special orders and for large quantities we can manufacture the embossed logo

Box of 1,000 pieces – per 10 pieces joined together
Box dimensions: 56x33x24 cm
Box weight: 5 kg

Τρόπος Χρήσης

A) We place the tail of the plastic ADJUSTSEAL security seal in the slots of the door we want to seal.

plastic adjustable security seals adjustseal 3.3×425mm how to use 1

B) Immediately after, we place the tail of the seal in the socket of the head of the seal and pull with force until we achieve the maximum seal.

plastic adjustable security seals adjustseal 3.3×425mm method of use 2

C) To remove the security seal, we use a cutter or scissors.

plastic adjustable security seals adjustseal 3.3×425mm method of use 3

D) We remove the Adjusteseal security seal from the door slots.



πιστοποιητικά εικόνισμαΠιστοποίηση του Πανεπιστημίου της Πίζας
πιστοποιητικά εικόνισμαΠιστοποιητικό MIRDC

3D Model


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